Congratulations! - CFD Firefighter Completes US Army Basic Training
By Web Team
November 12, 2023

This weekend we celebrate Veterans Day. We take time to honor and thank those who have served this great country.

The Officers and members of the Cutchogue Fire Department would like to take this opportunity to congratulate one of our own as he begins his service in the US Army.

Firefighter Lexington Horton graduated from US Army basic training at Fort Jackson South Carolina last week. He is now on to his first training assignment in Virginia to become a helicopter mechanic. He will eventually be stationed in Fort Carson, Colorado Springs CO.

Lex's family traveled south to be there for this milestone. His proud father is CFD LT. and US Air Force veteran Ricky Horton.

Congratulations From your Brothers and Sisters at CFD.

Thank you to all those who have served and continue to serve our country.

Units: CFD - Pride in our Country

Debbie Horton November 12, 2023 at 12:47 PM
Such a beautiful tribute. Thank you CFD!!!