"Spending a Night in the Dog House" CFD Stands-by for Mattituck
By Web Team
January 19, 2025

On Saturday afternoon beginning at 4 p.m. crews from the Cutchogue Fire Department covered the Mattituck Fire District in order for the members of Mattituck Fire Department attended their annual installation dinner dance.

CFD staffed an engine crew and ambulance that spent the evening at the Mattituck Firehouse in the event of any alarms.

Crews would respond to 1 alarm late in the evening. At approx. 11:00 pm Firefighters responded to a reported Chimney fire on Eastside Ave. in Mattituck. The incident was handled in 30 minutes.

CFD crews had an enjoyable evening of comradery while ensuring that Mattituck was well protected so that our brothers and sisters of MFD were able to enjoy the night.

The members of the Cutchogue Fire Department would like to congratulate all the officers of the Mattituck Fire Department including newly elected Chief Bobby Haas, 1st Asst. Steven Ficner, 2nd Asst. Chief Judd Lincoln, as well as all of the night's award winners.

We wish them well in the coming year and look forward to working with them in the future as our neighbors to the west.

Thank you to outgoing chief Jimmy Cox for all of your support and friendship over the past 2 years as Chief.


Units: Engine 8-5-4, Ambulance 8-5-16