Local Cub Scouts Host a Successful Car Wash at CFD
By Web Team
June 12, 2016

On Saturday June 11th the members of Den #10 of the Mattituck-Cutchogue Cub Scout Pack #39 hosted a fundraising Car Wash at the Cutchogue Fire Department.

The scouts worked hard all morning washing many cars to raise money for upcoming camping trips. Among the vehicles in line to be washed were a CFD Chiefs vehicle and a local Police Car, who stopped by to support the cause.

Thank you to everyone who stop by to have their car washed.

The members of CFD are happy that we are able to help make your fundraiser a success.

At the end of the day the scouts were treated to a special treat when the had the opportunity to get an up close and personal tour of a Suffolk County Police Helicopter that had landed on the Fire Department Grounds for a training seminar.

Keep up the Hard Work!

Units: CFD - Pride in our Community