Making His List Checking it Twice..... CFD Helps Santa with a Special Mission!
By Web Team
December 19, 2016

On Sunday evening Cutchogue firefighters assisted Santa Claus with a very special mission.

Each year, in order to double check and finalize his list for the "Big Night", Santa Claus visits the homes of Cutchogue Fire Department members and their families.

This year, Santa brought along several friends to help him spread Christmas Cheer to the CFD family.

He was joined by Mrs. Claus, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, Prancer and CFD's Sparky the Firedog.

While the rest of the reindeer were home resting, the elves from CFD escorted Santa and his friends around Cutchogue aboard firetrucks and chief's cars specially decorated for the occasion.

Santa wishes to thank CFD for their help with his mission, and wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

P.S. Santa says Thank You for all the cookies!

Check Back as more pictures will be posted.

Units: Santa Claus, Frostry, Rudolph, Sparky the Fire Dog, Engine 8-5-4, Heavy Rescue 8-5-5